Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time to take to the Water

Well, the weatherman sure was wrong today!! It turned out to be a really nice day. My wonderful Husband, Don, decided to treat me to a day on the water. He loaded up the boat and we launched at Blythe Island Regional Park. The Brown Pelicans were lazily watching us. This is also my Captain and Hubby, Don.

I have been wanting to take some photos of the Shrimp fleet in Brunswick so we headed that way. I was rewarded with some really nice pictures, these are from the City Dock and a Private Dock.

Then we cruised on down to the concrete pilings where the Cormorandts, Pelicans, Gulls, Terns and even some Grackles were hanging out. They were all kind enough to let me snap a few shots. I also took a few pics of the old ship ways from when Brunswick played a large role in the Shipbuilding Industry.

Today I was suppose to be riding out to Bird Island as a volunteer to help remove all the vegetation from the Island. But, it was cancelled at the last minute. I'm looking forward to it being rescheduled. Anyway, if you are not aware of what Bird Island is....It is basically a large sandbar/small island that was made a few years ago in St. Simon's Sound. It is mostly to benefit nesting and resting birds such as Brown Pelicans, Oystercatchers, Black Skimmers and shore birds mostly. So we decided to check it out from a distance. The important thing top remember here is to NOT disturb the birds. People are not allowed on this ground and there are several signs posted around it. But, it sure is a treat to check out with your binoculars or a zoom lens. Today there were many Brown Pelicans, White Pelicans and Cormorandts. Check them out!!

And of course since we were in the area we had to cruise along the Coast of my favorite Island, Jekyll Island. This is a picture of the Fishing Pier at Clam Creek Picnic area and the other are from Driftwood Beach. As you can see there were lots of people enjoying the Beauty of Jekyll Island today.

We finished our little excursion skimming the coast of St. Simon's Island. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to photograph the Lighthouse from the water. As you can see the St. Simon's Fishing Pier was packed also! Lots of people taking advantage of a beautiful day and enjoying all the wonderful and beautiful things that surrounds us.

We had a nice quiet ride back to the boat ramp enjoying the sun on our faces and wind blowing through our hair. And of course the welcoming committee of lazy Pelicans was still there. I hope everyone else had a chance to slow down and enjoy Beauty that Surrounds Us. Until next time, Be Safe!!

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