Thursday, June 4, 2015

Snowy Egrets: The other white bird

The other day I wrote about the Great Egret well, the Snowy Egret is the other white bird you often see in the marshes and along the ditches with the Great Egret.  I have had many people inquire if these were "baby" Great Egrets.  The Snowy Egret stands about 24" tall with an all white body and long slender neck, much like the Great Egret, but, the Snowy Egret has a Black bill, long slender mostly black legs with amazingly bright yellow feet!  During breeding season, they too get thee long lacy feathers to use to entice their mate and they eye patch which is usually yellow turns red.

 Here are some Snowy Egrets hanging out on the bank of Clam Creek on Jekyll Island.  This is probably their idea of getting together for lunch with friends, hoping whomever catches the minnows or tadpoles will share their good fortune.
This sassy little Snowy shown above was in a quiet little pond in a residential neighborhood.  She still has a lot of the breeding plumage along the crown, chest and tail.  But, I think she may be embarrassed about her yellow feet. 

The net two photos shown below were taken at the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine.  As I mentioned before if you want to be able to get up close a personal with some of the wading birds this is the place to go.  The first one is a Snowy displaying its fancy plumes in hopes of finding a mate. 
In the photo above is a Snowy tending to its nest and carefully turning the eggs.  I was able to get almost within hands reach to lovely bird.  Yet she paid me no mind, she obviously has her priorities straight; Family First!

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